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Incredibly Easy Internet Marketing Strategies That Deliver Results

We will be discussing three simple but highly effective ways to supercharge your internet marketing strategy. This will not be in any particular order, meaning that they are all as important as one another. If you implement these powerful strategies they can have a profound effect on your online business growth.

A – Number One is Email Capture. Most people who visit a website (about 99% apparently), leave without doing anything i.e. no buying, calling or even signing up to a newsletter. And once they are gone you’ve lost your chance to market to them in the future, meaning that only around 1% convert into a lead or customer. These are general statistics across the whole internet so your site could perform better than this already.

To raise that conversion rate to as much as 20%, offer a free give-away and add a clear call to action on your home page. To do even better still, place a video to sign up for the free offer at the end of your home page. You will need to set-up a lead capture form and ask for their name and email in return for the offer. The free give away could be a report, or a video training series. Just make absolutely sure the content appeals to your target market. If they choose to sign up, you’ve now turned them from a visitor into a lead and you can start a dialogue with them over email.

Combined with all of the above is the need to set-up an auto responder email sequence using pre-written emails that get sent at pre-determined intervals, offering more value over time. Keep these emails text-based, short and chatty. These are the types of emails we are used to receiving from our friends and colleges so they feel more familiar and less like a sales pitch. It normally takes 7 points of contact to build trust, so don’t jump in and ask for a sale straight away. After say 10 value emails you could offer a time sensitive discount on a product or service. Only do this when you feel they have received a lot of value from you and you have built their trust.

B – Number Two is Effective Copy writing. Writing effective copy is probably the most important of all internet marketing strategies. These copywriting techniques should be used for your web site copy, videos scripts, blog articles, emails and direct mail marketing. Think of your typical prospect or customer and write as if you are talking to just that one person. Treat it as pitching an idea over a coffee, as this makes the reader or viewer feel more involved.

Keep the copy chatty and jargon free. The viewer is always thinking “what is in it for me”, so just simply tell them. Instead of using the word ‘we’ use the word “you” a lot. For example Are YOU looking for a software provider YOU can trust? In this last example we pose the problem that the person has as an opening line. Then you can elaborate by identifying a pain point, some reason they have found it difficult in the past.

This helps them to identify with you as they feel understood. Then you can offer the resolution, your product or service. Back up features with benefits. A great looking website is a feature. If that website converts viewers into leads and then into customers and that makes you more money, that’s the ultimate benefit.

C – Number Three is Website Videos. Now did you know that YouTube get billions of daily views and at this time is the world’s 2nd most visited website after More than 80% of people will watch a website video, compared to about 20% reading the same content on that page. Additional research shows that people are 64% more likely to buy online after watching a video. Those are awesome stats that show that YOUR potential customers LOVE video! So, give them what they want! Just by adding video to each of your website pages you could increase their effectiveness.

Internet Marketing is not all that complicated, as long as you stay focused by following a sustainable strategy towards your end goal of converting website visitors to buyers.

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