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Are You Making These Costly Internet Marketing Mistakes?

The internet has really leveled the playing field, allowing people from all types of backgrounds and limited resources to reach dreams they never thought possible before the technological revolution. Sadly, so many come up short in pursuit of their dreams because they commit the 3 mistakes I will share with you in this article. Focus on not committing the same mistakes and you will triumph in the end.

A Website With No Planning

If you want to generate success with your online business, you are going to need a website. There is simply no way around this. However, the number one mistake that internet marketing rookies make is putting up a website with no adequate planning. This lack of planning dooms many before they even have a chance to experience any positive results.

Putting up a website will not make you rich. You must determine the purpose of your site. Will you be selling your own products or will you be selling affiliate products? Will you be setting up a static website for the sole purpose of collecting leads, or will you set up a blog that you will update constantly with fresh content? Do not put up your website until you have come up with a proper plan.

Is There A Market?

The next mistake many aspiring online entrepreneurs make is failing to conduct proper market research to determine whether there is a demand for their business idea. Sure, it is nice to pursue your passion, but if no one if looking for this passion of yours, you will end up broke.

The fastest and most effective way to conduct market research is to determine what keywords people are typing up when they search for products or services online. For example, if you are offering one on one dance lessons, you will want to use a keyword research tool and determine how many people are typing “one on one dance lessons” or something similar.

If enough people are searching for this, you are in business. Also, make sure you conduct a quick search to see how many websites are offering what you want to offer. You don’t want to get into a market with too much competition and small demand. Finally, study the websites of your competitors to see if you can generate any unique ideas of your own.

The Good First Impression

The next mistake that newbies make is creating a poorly designed website which is complicated to navigate. You only have a few seconds to make a good impression. If your website is poorly designed or if people can’t easily navigate your site to find what they are looking for, they will leave and never return. So, if you know nothing about setting up a site or blog, I recommend that you hire a professional. It is a worthy investment.


Avoid these mistakes at all cost and you will set yourself up for maximum success. Sure, you learn from your mistakes, but it is much better to avoid them altogether if you can. This will allow you to focus on activities that are much more profitable, such as content creation. Keep taking action and never give up.

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